


The African Coordination of Human Rights for the Armed Forces (CADHA) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), apolitical, non-union and non-protesting.

Created in 2011, its objective is the coordination of all actions promoting Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, undertaken by humanitarian organizations and civil society, for the benefit of the Armed Forces, Defense Forces and Security and the prefectural body in Côte d'Ivoire.

Thus, basing its action on the pooling of resources (material, financial and human) of humanitarian actors, CADHA has mobilized some twenty organizations of the United Nations system, Humanitarian Agencies and Civil Society, as well as the National Commission of Human Rights of Côte d'Ivoire, to conduct training programs in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

In order to promote Human Rights within the Armed Forces and Security Forces in Côte d'Ivoire and Africa, the CADHA has developed an action plan which includes, among other things, the organization of Open Doors for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Armed Forces.

With this in mind, the CADHA, initially National Coordination of Human Rights for the Armed Forces, at the request of some fraternal countries especially ECOWAS, who wished to build on its experience in the promotion of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, made amendments to its statutes and rules of procedure to become the African Coordination of Human Rights for the Armed Forces (CADHA). It obtained its approval from the Ministry of the Interior, registered under No. 317 / MEMIS / DGAT / DAG / SDVA of May 26, 2014 and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire No. 36 of the fifty- sixth year of Monday, August 11, 2014.

Also, she wants to have a training institute whose building is waiting for rehabilitation.